Sunday, September 6, 2009

Fall Frenzy is a go...

Heres the line up for all three days. Ill be there saturday and maybe sunday i just rebaught tickets.

Rob Thomas (1040pm-12am)
Jason Mraz (855-1015pm)
The B-52s (715-830pm )
Gavin Rossdale (6-655pm)
Colbie Caillat (5-545pm)
Blink 182 (1030pm-12am)
Fall Out Boy (840-10pm )
Slightly Stoopid (655-810pm)
Pepper (510-625pm)
Anberlin (405-450pm)
Asher Roth (300-345pm)
Authority Zero (200-245pm)
Other acts to be added.
Social Distortion (830-10pm)
Flogging Molly (630-8pm)
Ben Harper & Relentless (7430-6pm)
The Bravery (3-4pm)
Airborne Toxic Event (2-245pm)
Carolina Liar (1-145pm)
Slowpoke (12-1245pm)

Im Just Sayn...

So as many of you know I don't really have a problem speaking my mind, I could careless if people don't like me. I feel that if you want to be true to yourself you have to speak you mind and not hold things in. Ya as Ive gotten older Ive realized that you cant do that all the time some people around you cant handle the truth and you just have to let have there way so as to not cause mass over dramatics. Biting your tong sometimes is the only way to get out of bad situation but I'm just sayn. Really though this is pure honesty I wont talk behind any ones back if I have something to say or if you done something that bothers me I'm pretty quick to let you know, and that works for me. The only time that I wont say anything to a person is if I know the situation is just gonna get worst if I push it, but I still wont talk crap it takes to much effort and is a major waste of time I'm just sayn. Moving on, so this Australia thing is becoming more and more of an issue each day. So a couple months ago no one would have cared what I did if I left One like 2 people would have even noticed, now it seems like everyone and there mom thinks its a bad move. Everyone is try to scared me out of it and telling me that they need me, well that a load of bull if you ask me. Where were any of those people when I was having a mass melt down about my gramma or when Carly and me went south. OK ya some of you nay sayers out there make since Australia is far away and is a big jump, but no one understand how I feel. IN my family every thing is a competition for who is the best, and I'm loosing bad. When my dad was 21 He was graduating from Columbia, my aunt was Going to Wharton, my uncle was getting his cisco license. All of them had good jobs and had travel the world. It sucks that i have to compete with them all the time, I'm totally happy with how things are going for me I'm doing my thing at my own pace and I'm stoked about that. When they look at me though I'm a failure I'm no where near there level and they think that I'm not going any where to me Australia is an escape from all the pressure. Like ill be thousands of mile away and they wont have any input on my life once so ever. I just wanna be Winston Knighton, they have made it very clear I'm not White. I wish they could see that Ill be that guy, but I just have to do it my own way. Believe it!!! Ya so maybe I need to rethink this move idk lots of thing need to changes to keep me here though. Oh I do have some good news there maybe a potential queen for my castle ill post about her another time. Liven the dream "Be You, Be True, Be Legit" one love I'm out.