Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
When your right, your right...
A person once told me that life sucks when your young, when you old, and everything in between. Well I guess I agree with that person I mean everything in life is so complicated you walk thin lines with like everything in your life. You can plan out how things are gonna turn out to the smallest detail, and yet things can change in an instant. Every life expectation, nothing ever turns out just perfect. Maybe I'm just super cynical but I've seen a lot in my 20 years. Had a lot of disappointment, a lot of heart break, a lot of bad memories. Ok let me stop cuz this wasn't meant to be one of my tragic poor me kinds updates. Any ways I mean even when your old you just end up thinking of all the things you would had done differently, all the what if's what could have beens. If thats the case then whats the point to any of if it. If you serve no purpose in life then what's the point. Ya I mean some people are meant to do great thing but what about the rest of us. The one who's struggle every day just to continue on why why are they here what's the point I'm I just don't get the meaning the purpose everything for me that is has to make sense. I need purpose idk I'm just a guy lost looking for the road like everyone else. I'm not sad or down I just think differently than most I guess. Well with love and hopes and second chances I bit you farewell.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Its been a while since my last posting so heres a shotgun refresher kk here we go. Working like crazy, still not sleeping, playing poker, hanging with the peeps. Alright now that that's done let's chat. So lately I find the I'm burning out but some how I keep pushing on. I mean Im working like 80 hrs a week, and tryn to have a social life. Its getting to be a bit much I need to make a decision on how to fix this. Oh so I got some interesting news last night while talking to Carly she's moving to Colorado in a couple weeks. She got a job with this really good design studio. I happy for her I really am but it makes me wonder what life would have be like if I would when to SDS with her, instead of staying home to help my fam. But everything happens for a reason, if I didn't stay I never would have met my best friend, and the best friends I've ever had. I'm gonna miss her, but I know she will do well. Oh Saturday is the first game in the AJHA series Arizona Juniors hockey association. I'm playn second line center. Idk hockey is in my bones, It was my life for so long but this is my last run for the show. All right well that's pretty much it.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
The Perfect One...
Over the past six months I've changed a lot. Actually even one around me has, and it all thanks to one person. She came in with bang and changed the game up. Opened every bodies eyes to a whole new reality, she bought truth and justice to the for front of all or relationships. She helped us to see who were friends and who were fakers. Its strange it takes a lot for me to become close or get comfortable with people but she was like a friend that I always had. And I love her for all that she is and all that she isn't never a dull moment. She will definitely be a friend till the end, my partner in crime, and I'm counting down the days till I can see her again, and make some new memories but till that day come we'll always have the amazing memories that we all made together. One love "Be true, Be you, Be legit".
Monday, June 8, 2009
Take me as I...
Well bloggers I'm back not as if any one really cares the only people who read these are my # one pal and My stalker cuz he has nothing better todo with his life than try to find away to destroy mine, but enough of that. So lets do a flash recap, I think I already spoke about my summer mistake so we know about that. I took off for a couple days had to deal with some personal stuff, but I can say that i started to paper work to legally separated my self from my mother. Yay this may seem kind of cruel but ill never be able to have a normal life till I do. So what that mean well lots of court battles, all my land is gonna be sold so all that side of my family will be pissed and hate me but who needs them I sure don't. Um i got to see Jasmine and Tracy (my two sisters) that was fun their head to Europe for a month it was Jasmine's grad gift. Lucky bitch lol This weekend was assembly I didn't go on Saturday I was so mentally and emotional drained from the days before that I couldn't handle being around people. That day i just got in my truck and drove to my spot and just layed there all day thinking listen to music tryn to unravel everything. I went on Sunday but for the most part I was still a mess i put on a good show though. Oh I got two Tickets for the Blink concert and back stage passes they were gifts from my dad for pharm tec school and for being an over all good son. Ya the tickets are awesome since it an out door venue you can see them from pretty much every where but he got me tickets for the front stage area im stoked. I may take Stacy cuz she'll be here visiting her family. Love that girl to death but only as a friend she can be for lack of a better word droll. Oh went to Daltins Pool party He trough me in fully clothed thank Dalty that was fun except that i ruin $150.00 shoes. But no worries money in the bank. Carly my on again off again love told me something that prety much scared me this morning. Ya um Im basiclly boned myself with that one. Um today was strange back in school not really working to much this week which sucks. Im I have a Photo shoot tomorrow with John Casablanca, that should be fun but he does make my cloths look good and my models look amazing. Oh the new shoe line is already sold out. Yep All 30 pairs of my new shoe sold I'm stoked. Whats going on with my music Alot actually I finished my second solo album it should be going to itunes in the next week or two. The lost boys Album is making alot of progress look for that some time in august. Idk I wish i could make money by writing songs I need a better agent but that's that. Um I'm working on an album with my friend Whitney Steel That should be amazing shes got alot of talent she touring right now. Ya that's pretty much it for now Ill keep you posted. OH by the way Next Sunday starts Prank War Week so be prepared. "BE TRUE, BE YOU, BE LEGIT"™
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Sometimes life is more than it seem but less than it is. You just have to take what you got and make it work no matter what the circumstances. If you live in a box your achievement will only be as big as the box, dream outside the box and the possibilities are endless. Love and peace Mr. Legit out.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Im in love...
I have once again have founf my self head over heels in love. Yep i can fight this feeling any more lol im in love with music. Updated to playlist check out some of these bands I love and know you will too.
SilverSun Pickups
Matt & Kim
Carolina liar
SilverSun Pickups
Matt & Kim
Carolina liar
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
So right now I'm a bit upset I just pulled up to tenth planet which is the gym I go to, to spar and I go there just to unload my frustrations on a heavy bag instead of a real person. Any way ya there closed ya there a 24/365 gym what the crap. Any ways today was a good day sat around did noth played so video games with the boys that was fun. Oh looked at some apartments over the weekend and yestarday. Idk I'm sure that I wanna live with sis anymore I really don't like people ya know. Well at least the ones outside my circle of trust. And its a small circle. Um no real life issues right now besides telling someone something they weren't supposed to know but it whatevr they would have found out eventually any ways. Idk right now my life is in a good balance I can be better but for now it will do. Oh wrote the first song that has nothing to do with a girl I like in a long time, actually it has no connection to me once so ever. Its nice to not to ya know. Any way I won't be blogging for a while wirk is about to consume my life for the next minth or so. I've been hangen with the peeps a lot since I won't be doing much of it anymore. Oh getting a new phone and number I've got to many people calling me I dont like. So ill make sure that all those who I find worthy get my new digits not sure when this going down but it some time soon. So that's it for now blogger. The Winston is signing off for a long while. Ill miss ya all peace and love.
Sincerly yours,
Mr. Legit
Sincerly yours,
Mr. Legit
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