Monday, June 29, 2009

When your right, your right...

A person once told me that life sucks when your young, when you old, and everything in between. Well I guess I agree with that person I mean everything in life is so complicated you walk thin lines with like everything in your life. You can plan out how things are gonna turn out to the smallest detail, and yet things can change in an instant. Every life expectation, nothing ever turns out just perfect. Maybe I'm just super cynical but I've seen a lot in my 20 years. Had a lot of disappointment, a lot of heart break, a lot of bad memories. Ok let me stop cuz this wasn't meant to be one of my tragic poor me kinds updates. Any ways I mean even when your old you just end up thinking of all the things you would had done differently, all the what if's what could have beens. If thats the case then whats the point to any of if it. If you serve no purpose in life then what's the point. Ya I mean some people are meant to do great thing but what about the rest of us. The one who's struggle every day just to continue on why why are they here what's the point I'm I just don't get the meaning the purpose everything for me that is has to make sense. I need purpose idk I'm just a guy lost looking for the road like everyone else. I'm not sad or down I just think differently than most I guess. Well with love and hopes and second chances I bit you farewell.

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